Carter's really starting to grow like a weed. He's already grown out of some of his 0-3 month clothes (because he's too long), his 0-6 month socks never fit and now he's sitting up like a big boy. Granted he'd probably fall over if left unattended, but doesn't he look so grown up?

Here's Carter in his "Jason" shirt. One of our bestest friends Jason is known for his collection of plaid button up shirts and this is the one he bought for Carter. He looks so grown up in his Jason shirt too...very thoughtful and serious.

He is so cute! I love his expressions...and he is adorable in his "jason shirt"! i love little boys in button up shirts...cute & classy!
Oh my goodness! That's SUCH a Jason shirt! hahahahahahaha
Can't wait to see you this weekend xoxo
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