Saturday, September 29, 2007
Carter and his Peeps

Splish Splash

Ever the Gracious Host
Friday, September 28, 2007
Carter Loves his Daddy Too!
Apparently there was something very interesting to look at on the ceiling.
Me and My Chair

Hands...the New Food Group
Friday, September 21, 2007
Carter loves his Mommy!
Even Big Boys Take Naps
He must have been dreaming about bubbles because he's blowing them.
He loves a good shoulder to nap on whenever someone will hold him long enough.

Thursday, September 20, 2007
I'm a Big Boy Now!

Here's Carter in his "Jason" shirt. One of our bestest friends Jason is known for his collection of plaid button up shirts and this is the one he bought for Carter. He looks so grown up in his Jason shirt too...very thoughtful and serious.

Play Time at the Tudor House
One of his favorite activities it to watch television or play on the computer with his Daddy.
Like father like son.

Carter enjoying his underwater activity bar while Fudge sniffs out the new kid on the block.

Apparently Fippy thinks she needs to sniff him out too...monkey see monkey do!

Carter enjoying some time in his bouncy seat

He's starting to smile more often now
He loves hanging out in his boppy pillow on the couch with Mommy.
It's hard work hanging out in your boppy pillow on your belly!
He's still too small for his newest toy, but we had to let him try it out a bit. I think he'll like it more when his feet actually touch the ground. Then he'll be off and running.
Of course, every child has his or her moments, and at this particular moment Carter was not enjoying his bouncy seat. Isn't his pouty face too cute though? I love it when his little lower lip starts to quiver.