The weather is finally starting to be nice enough to let Carter venture around outdoors. Here are a few pictures from Carter's first real experience hanging out in the grass. I'm sure there will be many outdoor pictures to follow soon, but these will have to do for now.
Every rock star baby needs a sharp pair of shades. I guess since Carter's not a rock star (don't tell him that...he thinks banging on the table is the same as playing the drums), he's just have to look like a rock-star-wannabe.

The thoughtful-sunglasses-in-corner-of-mouth pose.

Similar thoughtful pose. We definitely have a thinker on our hands.
Carter wondering if the grass tastes good.
Trying to find out for himself just how good it tastes. Too bad he's not that great on the hand-eye coordination thing yet.
He finally got it in his mouth.